A portrait of the Western man, uh, male, uh …

Apparently inspired by the antics of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s hometown in Austria, a reader writes:

Here is a profile of the liberal soldier who stands on guard for the West:

1. An unempowered male: feminism has denied him his authority to act on behalf of his own family. A weak father who at best is a daddy with no backbone.

2. A feminized male: turning away from the competitiveness of being a male in various arenas of life, he is now utterly inactive in the nature he was given, ie. “in tune with the female part of himself.”

3. A de-natured male: no longer distinguishing male from female, the male engages other males, such that one of the males takes on the “passive” role or side of the relationship.

4. An unspiritual male: he now has no religious standards on which to rely in order to make moral choices.

5. A nanny male: government provides for his welfare and dictates to him what ethical choices and political language are available to him.

6. An unaggressive male: he cannot muster enough will to stand against the violence of “suicide bombers” even when their explosives are staring him in the face.

7. The male as fool, clown and idiot: television shows such as “Desperate Housewives” manifest the male as buffoon.

So what do we have in the West? This is the “soldier” other cultures will see…fool, clown, idiot, buffoon, passive, denatured, unauthoritative, unempowered, spiritless, sexually ambiguous, and individually without identity. Bring on this tough army!!!

Just after receiving the previous e-mail, I heard from another reader who had somewhat similar thoughts:

In the Arnold Schwarzenegger post you mention the stand taken against the invaders of Europe.

I see Europe (and America) as a body that is wracked with an illness that is sapping its strength. We have become, like homosexuals, lacking any natural resistance—susceptible to any and all diseases. That is what AIDS is—the body having lost its immunity to fight any invading viruses.

We can’t fight against any “invaders” because we have lost that which gives us immunity to “invaders”. Is it any wonder that at the same point that we are “homosexualizing” society, we have lost our “natural immunization.” We are effectively open to anything and anyone—we no longer have any geographical borders, any cultural restrictions, or any biological limitations. Does that not leave “the corporate body” that we are in the same condition that the homosexual is in when he denatures himself and becomes susceptible to any and all biological “invaders”—defenseless?

The Western Body cannot arise and stand; it has been denatured of itself and its form or essence negated. It is in a sick condition and like AIDS may not have a cure available before its death. Consider Western Man dead because the “invaders” have already entered the body and bloodstream. They are not out there knocking at the gates. Like a virus, they have already entered the gates (our nations, our eyes, our ears, our institutions, etc). Once the virus has entered the body, it can ravage the body or even hibernate within that body for decades to re-emerge later with destructive consequences. It’s a slow death.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 21, 2005 02:49 PM | Send

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