Hopeful about Australia, and the West

A reader writes from Australia:

Don’t lose hope for the West just yet. The people of Cronulla last weekend showed a steely determination that they weren’t going to be a walk over.

Ironically the good news is actually the bad news we received in the latter part of the week. The leftist Labor State Government has decided in all its wisdon to close the beaches in many areas of Sydney as rumours were circulating all week of mounting troubles around the beaches this weekend. Understand Australia, particularly Sydney. Beach culture is probably stronger than having a hotdog at the baseball game for an American. Closing down the beaches caused by the behaviour of an alien culture of misfits is probably one of the biggest miscalculations I have ever seen a government make during an important moment. Rather than turning around and saying to the good people of Sydney, we are going to protect you hell or high water this weekend if you want to go to the beach these leftists did the opposite. In other words we are going to restrict your movements. I would reckon this will shave a permanent 10 points off the government’s support, which we will see at the next pole. Good.

More news is that leftist group-speak forcing people to refer to Lebanese Muslim thugs as “young men of Middle-Eastern appearance” has finally broken down. The Internet has caused this well-crafted dam to break. It simply can’t hold up any more. In other words it is acceptable to refer to these thugs as what they are. Being called a racist seems to have lost its edge when criticising Muslims.

If we win this, still a big if, it may well be Australia that turns the tide for the rest of the West. And if we do, remember the good, decent working class Anglo-Celts from Cronulla who stepped up to the plate.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 17, 2005 11:29 AM | Send

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