Race war in Australia

The day after the white riot in Cronulla, New South Wales, there was large scale retaliation by Lebanese and Middle Eastern gangs, who among other things attacked white neighborhoods and burned cars, making people flee for safety into their homes. It’s something of a race war right now. Wikipedia has a useful compendium of this unfolding event, which is, to my knowledge, the first large-scale violent exchange between Western and non-Western populations in the West since mass non-Western immigration began a half-century ago (Bradford, England may be an exception, but I believe almost all the violence there was done by the Pakistanis, not by the English).

It didn’t have to happen this way. The nations of the West could have chosen, by the normal political operations of free peoples, not to open their borders to millions of unassimilable aliens. But the West rejected the non-violent path to safety—and the streets of blood, to paraphrase Enoch Powell, became inevitable. So it’s better for this to start now, while our side is still the overwhelming majority, rather than later, when we will be much weaker. Always remember that the key to the mass non-Western immigration over the past 50 years has been the Western people’s passive acceptance of it—and of the liberal regime that made openness to the Other our god. If at any point in this miserable process of self-undoing we had exercised our rights as a people and stood up and said, loud and clear, “We don’t want you here,” the immigrants would not have come. Though the white rioters in Sydney are only young rowdy men, they are the first significantly sized Western group to have done that.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 12, 2005 11:16 PM | Send

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