People still can’t figure out where Mark Steyn is from

A blogger who attended and took photos of the Claremont Institute dinner for Mark Steyn where he received the Henry Salvatori award (another recent winner was Rush Limbaugh) writes:

Mr. Steyn gave an incredible address this evening. For those of you who do not know of Mr. Steyn, he is a European transplant from The United Kingdom to America living in the New England area.

Gosh, I thought that after years of speculation, we had all finally gotten straightened out on the fact that Steyn is some kind of Canadian, though living in the U.S.—not an American, not a “European transplant,” and not a native-born Englishman. Funny how even a fan of Steyn’s, attending a gala dinner at which Steyn was the honored recipient of an award and the featured speaker, doesn’t even know his conservative hero’s nationality. How appropriate for a conservatism the core idea of which is the sameness of the aspirations and desires of all human beings everywhere, their equal readiness to adopt democracy, and the necessity of waging endless war to impose on all of humanity this democracy that all people are, uh, longing for….

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 10, 2005 12:46 AM | Send

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