Now they’re re-writing “Silent Night”

In his 1986 book on Canadian multicultural politics, The Patriot Game, Peter Brimelow wrote how the revised English version of the national anthem, in order to be universal and avoid offense to any group, was “essentially stripped of content,” mentioning none of Canada’s traditional national symbols, not even the Queen, and was thus made into little more than a hymn to northern, Canadian geography:

O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

Liberalism keeps moving forward, of course, and now the same kind of operation—though much worse—is being performed on Christmas carols. As reported at WorldNetDaily, this year children attending Ridgeway Elementary School in Dodgeville, Wisconsin, will sing the following lyrics to the tune of “Silent Night,” now renamed, “Cold in the Night”:

Cold in the night,
no one in sight,
winter winds
whirl and bite,
how I wish I were happy and warm,
safe with my family out of the storm.

Some things are so sick and evil that they defy comment, and this is one of those things. However, I am glad to report that at least one parent is not taking this abomination lying down. According to Mathew Staver of the Liberty Counsel, a religious-liberty law firm that is suing the school on behalf of the parent: “When a public school intentionally mocks Christian Christmas songs by secularizing their content, they cross the line from a neutral position, which the Constitution requires, to a hostile position, which the Constitution forbids. Changing ‘Silent Night’ to ‘Cold in the Night’—come on, let’s stop this madness! Does the school not realize that Christmas is a national holiday?”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 07, 2005 11:59 PM | Send

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