O.J. in Baghdad

Strong Arab leader, honorable defier of America and Israel, fashion plate—Saddam Hussein is still a hero to Palestinians, according to Al Jazeera. The more the Palis and other Arabs see him in court, sounding off against his judges and prosecutors, the more they like him, naturally enough.

Let’s face it. Those of us who supported President Bush in the invasion of Iraq thought, or at least hoped, that it was going to be a serious war. Then we realized it was a neoconservative war, meaning a war based on a belief in the desire and ability of all people to embrace democracy (as defined by the holding of elections), rather than on the pursuit of victory over our enemies. But then it turned out to be not merely a neoconservative war, which was bad enough, but a liberal war, meaning that it has no guiding principle at all except for a fatuous inability to grasp the nature of our enemies, and a desire to make ourselves and our allies look as weak as possible, reaching a culmination in this sad replay of the O.J. Simpson trial.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 07, 2005 04:24 PM | Send

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