On immigration, conservatives must go beyond knee-jerk liberal bashing

An e-mail I’ve sent to Power Line:

Re Peter Schneider’s article on the disturbing growth of unassimilated Muslim districts in Berlin, you wrote:

Charles [Johnson] comments: “And US mainstream media could not have cared less.”

Johnson’s comment, and your approving quote of same, imply that only liberal media have been failing to cover the Islamization of Europe. As though conservative media have not also ignored it year after year. As though President Bush were not at this very moment actively pushing Europe to admit 60 million Turks into Europe. Johnson’s swipe at the mainstream media is doubly inappropriate since the Schneider article was published in the New York Times Magazine and the International Herald Tribune, both organs of the MSM.

When I was working on my booklet, The Path to National Suicide: An Essay on Immigration and Multiculturalism, in 1989 and 1990, I initially blamed only LIBERALS for what was happening. An immigration restrictionist liberal, the late Ed Levy, to whom I gave the manuscript for his feedback, pointed out to me that this was incorrect, since Republican and conservative elites were as much a part of the open-borders movement as liberals. It was a very important insight that greatly improved my book.

In the same way, if you guys are going to be serious in your commentary on the Muslim menace, you have got to go beyond liberal bashing and recognize that the disastrous openness to unassimilable immigration, particularly Muslim immigration, has been pushed by our entire establishment, both liberals AND conservatives.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 05, 2005 11:08 AM | Send

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