Is Le Pen, through his extremism, helping maintain the present French system?

A reader writes:

Here is a different take on Le Pen, and it struck me as similar to things you have said about Bush, i.e., that he is more of a handicap to the conservatives than an asset. It is from a longer article by Denis Greslin. The point about Mitterand is news to me.

“I am probably going to shock some readers, but the only thing that allows this political system to remain in place is the presence of Le Pen. A political bogey-man, who relapses into anti-Semitic ravings in order to show that he is still a servant of the system, attracts sincere voters who imagine him to be an adversary of multi-culturalism and of Islamization.

“Alas! Le Pen is an ally of Islam, with whom he shares the same enemies: the United States and the Jews. And should Le Pen win 30% in the next presidential election, what would change? Nothing! However, by his presence, he prevents the development of a great popular movement, free of excesses, but firm in its values and principles. This is the role attributed to him by Mitterand in the early 80’s, that he pursues to the end, discarding people of quality, and forcing the others into silence. And after Le Pen? Certainly a troubled period for the Right, but (also) the possibility of a renewal which will allow us at last to emerge from the opposition and win back power.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 03, 2005 01:40 PM | Send

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