The removal of Muslims from Europe is not impossible at all

A VFR reader in England whose observations I’ve posted from time to time does not think that Europe’s Muslim problem is nearly as daunting as it seems to many. She writes:

The answer is obvious but anyone who said it would probably be prosecuted. The election of right-wing parties all over Europe would lead to the forced expulsion of Moslems, as well as of other undesirable non-Western immigrants. Politics all over Europe is moving to the right as voters become dismayed by the traitorous politicians in the traditional parties and their failure to control immigration. The electorate knows they have been betrayed. People are fed up with immigrants, political correctness and affirmative action.

It is not a big job to remove them, since Africans, Asians and Moslems don’t have the same resilience as Western people. Oppression followed by the threat of violence backed up with actual violence if required would be sufficient to send them fleeing. They come to Europe for an easy life. When it gets tough they don’t have the resilience to keep going. Third World peoples like to push boundaries. If successful they perceive that the individuals who gave into them are weak and they continue to push for more. If they are oppressed, they become docile. In Europe so far they have had it too easy, as if they had been in a large sweet shop. Living in a Paris slum is not a hardship for them, they are used to worse in their own countries. Incessant power cuts, infected water, living rough are all common in the Third World. A centrally heated flat with a 24/7 power supply is paradise. Political appeasement just empowers them to push for more.

I think the forceful removal of Moslems and other non-Westerners is the only way to save the West. It should not be such a big task; it just requires the will to do it while the West still has the power to do it.

My reply:

Bless you for seeing that things are not as hopeless for Europe as so many believe, and that it would be possible to commence a net out-migration and save Europe.

However, we can’t dismiss the likelihood that forcible removal would involve massive uprisings and violence.

The reader replies:

It could involve violence but only if insufficient force is used, as when police and immigration officers remove people in a half hearted way and the person being removed feels he can run the risk of putting up a fight. When the police and army use sufficient numbers to do the job properly and carry sufficient equipment, and use an element of surprise, there should not be too much violence.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 14, 2005 10:03 PM | Send

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