Looking back at the 2004 elections

Since we’re just past the one year mark since the 2004 presidential election, I thought I’d link a couple of items from that time. Here is a comment I wrote during the 2004 campaign about the New York Sun’s presidential endorsement and their delightfully unself-aware confession of where they are really coming from. Here is an informal poll and discussion that VFR ran on election day 2004, followed by a further discussion by VFR readers about the poll the day after the election. My comments in this blog entry, written as the returns were coming in on election night (and based on figures gathered from the Web, not the useless tv coverage), lead step by step to the election finally turning on Ohio, just as so many had predicted. When the candidates leave you cold, the numbers can still be interesting and dramatic; and when the tv coverage is a worthless bore, there is the wonderful Internet.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 12, 2005 01:14 PM | Send

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