Why Jews have grounds for paranoia

Is anti-Semitism a supernatural curse? A reader writes:

My junior year at the University of Michigan I had a graduate student instructor, a Russian Jewish immigrant, who worked in the lab of an Israeli Jewish chemistry professor. We were talking one day about Israel and Muslims when she blurted out, “I think the hatred of Jews is supernatural, I don’t think we will ever escape it, it’s like a supernatural curse.” This is coming from a 30 year old graduate student in physical chemistry. This is in line with some of your writings that many Jews have a deep-rooted fear of anything that even hints remotely of anti-semitism. Just an anecdote.

My reply:

But there’s plenty to support what she said. Think. Right now. What is the country the whole world hates, the country targeted by demonic killers who seek to destroy it, and the whole world supports those killers against that country, and considers that tiny country the sourse of all the troubles in the world?

If that doesn’t bring you up short and make you realize that there is something of a supernatural quality about Jew hatred, nothing will.

Reader replies:

Yes, upon contemplation, I can think of no other people in the world that has a history resembling that of the Jews. Truly astonishing. And what is even more astonishing is the fact that Jews possess either the highest, or close to highest average IQ in the world. Truly a special and gifted people. And after all, you gave us Jesus! And it was his Jewish followers that preached their revolutionary religion to the gentile nations.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 12, 2005 11:41 AM | Send

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