The self-liquification of Europe—and its awakening

Multiculturalism, says Robert Tracinsky, can be understood as Nazism in reverse:

The Nazis were certainly pro-self-sacrifice, because they advocated (and enforced) the sacrifice of the individual self to the collective aggrandizement of the race. But the modern intellectuals declare that they are even more altruistic because they want to sacrifice our own race to other races [emphasis added]…. It is in the streets of the Parisian suburbs that one can now see the ultimate effects of Multiculturalism—and sense a premonition of the dark and murderous future that lays ahead for Europe.

Please note that Tracinsky speaks unashamedly of the necessity of preserving our race—that’s the white race, folks—from being sacrificed for the advantage of other races, and that his article appears in the Jewish World Review. Statements such as this, appearing in such a publication, are a reason why, even in the midst of the current disasters, I have hope for our civilization. It is because the Muhammadan threat will ultimately do for us what we could not do for ourselves—reawaken and re-unify us, we men of the West.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 09, 2005 04:33 PM | Send

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