Hey, Captain, get those sails straightened out

Writing at The Weekly Standard, Ed Morrissey points out that three weeks ago the Washington Post reported that a Mideast terrorist group, in the Post’s words, was “recruiting French citizens to train in the Middle East and return home to carry out terrorist attacks.” But when, eight days after that article appeared, the Muslim riots in France began, the same Washington Post hewed to the liberal line that poverty and lack of opportunity were the cause of the riots, ignoring their Islamic connection.

That’s a good scoop. Unfortunately, even while criticizing the Post for its politically correct evasion of the truth, Captain Ed practices his own form of the same thing. He writes:

Twelve days into the riots, even after they had spread across France and inspired violence in Germany and Belgium, the media for the most part still could not bring itself to mention the “M” or “I” words: Muslim and Islamist.

Hmm, seems to me that there’s another “I” word that the Captain himself has a little problem with mentioning.

Ironically, it didn’t seem to occur to Morrissey that when he referred to a forbidden “I” word, readers might assume that he meant “Islamic,” and be taken a little taken aback when he explained that the “I” word was “Islamist.” But such is the blinding power of political correctness, which has its conservative as well as its liberal forms.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 09, 2005 02:26 PM | Send

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