Allons enfants de la Patrie!

The French website is calling for a revolution in France—a revolution by the French against their traitorous State and the millions of unassimilable and hostile foreigners it has welcomed into the bosom of France. A VFR reader has kindly translated it for us:

La Patrie est en danger! The Fatherland is in peril!

Alas! This “beloved old country” is in its death throes.

Fire is ravaging Ile-de-France. In the four corners of our territory, young girls are being raped (French girls, that is, according to General de Gaulle’s definition, of the white race, of European origin, of Judeo-Christian faith and of Greco-Roman culture.) Passers-by are murdered bare-handedly as their families watch, and the mainstream Muslims—the so-called moderates—go to the mosque in Clichy-sous-Bois that was presumably desecrated by tear gas, in order to break their fast with their brothers.

The die is cast! What has been true for fifteen years, but denied by a weary people, now becomes blinding and even tangible—that this country, called France for such a long time, is in the process of being conquered by barbarian “guests” that it has been welcoming in all innocence—in every sense of the word—since the Sixties.

Today, those whose fathers, forty years ago, slaughtered European Algerians and French Muslims and who followed them as they fled by the thousands, have the notion that what had been possible in Algeria must be possible here, since we’ve been welcoming them with open arms.

Now it has happened. The lawless neighborhoods are in flames, the ruling class, heirs to the cowards and gangsters of the Sixties (see the film, “J’ai vu tuer Ben Barka”) find that that bill has come due and they are bankrupt.

So what should we do?

First, declare that the State and its wayward institutions are outlawed. Then, we break completely with this administration. Let a few honest, patriotic, and courageous politicians and celebrities say that a state of war has been declared on the French people on their own territory. Let them affirm that the non-assimilable and rebellious groups will be returned to their countries of origin, that order will be restored, that the CFCM [a Muslim organization formed with government support, similar to CAIR] will be dissolved, that Azouz Begag [cabinet member in charge of promoting “Egalité des Chances”] and Dalil Boubakeur [head of the Paris mosque and president of the French Council for the Muslim Religion] will be relieved of their duties and sent home, and finally that they will not obey any summons before any court of the aforementioned Fifth Republic. They will, in addition, be very clear that they intend to wait—surrounded by thousands of French people in revolt—until the army or the police forces dare to arrest them.

Wherever the members of the National Council for Resistance assembles, that place will be the National Assembly.

The French people must form themselves into a political phalanx; their institutions and their legal counsels must be returned to them, in such a way that they alone have the floor. Their sovereignty must be re-established and it must be declared that foreigners are foreigners, even if they are friendly.

Then, of course, will come the moment of truth and probably war.

But if this leap forward does not take place, then the only outcome will be exile for the lucky ones, and death and dhimmitude for the majority.

Is that acceptable in the light of our history? NO.

Is it honorable considering the sacrifices of past generations that were made so that the name of France remain glorious? NO.

Is it tolerable, just a few weeks away from the bicentenary of the victory at Austerlitz? NO.

Georges Clément. Neuilly le 3 novembre 2005

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 07, 2005 09:24 PM | Send

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