Tancredo: Not everyone can be assimilated

Tom Tancredo speaks a language that no American in a high position has spoken since the disaster of the 1965 Immigration Act:

U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., in an interview with WND, said he believes the chickens are coming home to roost in France because, for years, the country with the largest Islamic population in Europe has ignored rising Muslim tensions within its own borders. The real issue the French “are now dealing with,” he said, “is [that] you cannot integrate some people into your society.”…

Tancredo believes many Muslims don’t want to become “European.” And he says the French and Danish riots are part of a larger militant Islamic movement perpetually at odds with the West.

The French “really don’t want to integrate and assimilate, I think, the Muslims into French society, but I also think the Muslims are not interested in doing that themselves,” he said. “This division, this rampaging nature manifesting itself in these riots and everything else, is an example of the clash of civilizations” he believes threatens Europe and the United States.

Why is this Congressman’s language different from all other Congressmen’s language? Because Tancredo is saying that not all differences can be bridged or erased. That not everyone can be assimilated. That it is not true that everyone in the world is basically just like us. That cultural and civilizational differences matter, and that they therefore need to be factored into immigration law. In saying such things, Tancredo is taking a principled stand against the modern American Creed.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 07, 2005 07:32 PM | Send

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