A reader defends VFR

A reader writes offers this humorous counterpoint to another reader who said that I am too critical of other conservatives and too full of myself:

So you wish to become our philosopher-king, or so one of your correspondents tells us. Only you really know for certain. But I suspect he is worried that you would deprive Steven Breyer of the philosopher-king position. For the record, while I do not want a king of any sort, even if he were named President George III, if a philosopher-king I must have, then I would far, far rather it be you than (In-)Justice Breyer.

As for your total of hits and visits. I visit daily, except for slow days, when I fill unused time with an additional visit to work on the archives. Thanks for what you do.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 01, 2005 12:05 AM | Send

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