John Podhoretz admits he’s an idiot

In today’s New York Post, John Podhoretz, who frequently boasts of his flat-out wrong predictions yet becomes personally abusive to anyone else who points them out, boasts of his flat-out wrong predictions in the Miers matter. He had said, “Bush will pull out of Iraq sooner than he’ll withdraw the Miers nomination.” He had also written:

… there’s absolutely no reason to think that Harriet Miers will withdraw her own name or that President Bush will withdraw it. If conservative writer David Frum’s ‘withdraw Miers’ petition ends up with 50,000 names on it, that won’t change things a whit. So what’s needed to be said about her nomination has been said, and now we will all have to wait to listen to Miers herself.

Now Podhoretz cheerfully calls himself an “idiot” for having said this.

Since Podhoretz is boasting of his idiocy regarding President Bush, let me indicate that my assessment of Bush has been correct. In response to the assertion that Bush would never withdraw Miers and that (as Podhoretz had put it) it was futile to urge that decision on him, I kept saying that while Bush’s feelings all militated powerfully against his withdrawing her, he had absolutely no choice but to withdraw her if he wanted to save his presidency, and, further, that he must do so, a point I made over and over.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 28, 2005 09:59 AM | Send

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