National Review: GOP senators must ’splain things to Bush

Was the last blog entry, “Bush’s character revealed,” too harsh toward President Bush, and thus irresponsible? By way of comparison, consider what the editors of National Review have written today:

There is no good reason to keep going down this road other than the sheer stupid force of inertia…. This moment calls for leadership from Republican senators, who should go to the White House and insist that this nomination will not work and should be withdrawn. The White House is too insulated and reflexively defensive (note President Bush’s pique yesterday when asked about criticism of Miers) to figure this out on its own…. Bush’s stubbornness and willingness to stick by associates can be valuable qualities, but not when they prevent him from realizing a mistake or seeing what an awful position he has put his loyal White House counsel in.

“Sheer stupid force of intertia,” “insulated and reflexively defensive,” “pique,” “stubbornness,” and overall cluelessness. These are descriptions of Bush normally seen in New York Times editorials. Now we’re seeing them in National Review.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 24, 2005 11:53 AM | Send

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