The tyranny of feminism

People who think that feminism is waning are living in dreamland. This week Neil French, the creative director of WPP Group, one of the largest advertising groups in the world, was forced to resign because of commonsensical remarks he made about women. Asked at an industry event why there aren’t more top level female advertising executives, French replied that women “don’t make it to the top because they don’t deserve to,” saying that women don’t work as hard as men and that their roles as caregivers and childbearers prevent them from succeeding in top positions. An enraged female ad executive in Mr. French’s group then wrote about his comment at a web site, sparking an uproar that led to his resignation, though he continues defending what he said.

A social order in which people lose their jobs for simply stating their opinion when asked for their opinion—an opinion, moreover that is backed by evidence and is entirely rational and commonsensical—is like Communism. The people who fired French are not Catherine McKinnon types, not Andrea Dworkin types. They are mainstream business leaders. Mainstream liberalism/feminism is a form of ideological control as strict as Communism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 21, 2005 01:16 PM | Send

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