How Roberts led to Miers

I have said that the conservatives, by supporting a non-conservative nominee like Roberts, and thus showing they had no serious adherence to conservative principles, gave Bush the green light for the Miers nomination, which they so intensely oppose. About which I am tempted to say, “I am shocked, shocked, that gambling is going on in this establishment.” But the connection between the Roberts and Miers nominations is even more intimate than that. A must-read article by John Fund on the vetting process that resulted in the choice of Miers contains, in passing, this amazing revelation: “The Miers pick had its origin in the selection of John Roberts last July. Ms. Miers was praised for her role in selecting him and the wildly positive reaction.” But from whom did that wildly positive reaction come? It came from the conservatives. In approving the pick of the non-conservative (though judicially qualified) Roberts, they were approving the work of the non-conservative (and judicially unqualified) Miers.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 13, 2005 12:30 PM | Send

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