Where is FrontPage really at?

Go figure. Earlier this year, FrontPage Magazine published my 10,000 word, two-part article, “The Search for Moderate Islam,” in which I concluded that our civilizational survival requires that “we recognize Islam as our eternal adversary and act accordingly.” Today, at top of its main page, FrontPage posted a note saying, “Happy Ramadan.”

In case there are any doubts on this score, I can tell you, from my correspondence with David Horowitz about the matter (and I’ve posted this with his okay), that the message is not meant ironically, but as a genuine expression of “tolerance.” The most hopeful construction of this that I can come up with—and I admit it’s a stretch—is that Mr. Horowitz deliberately does things like this in order to shock people on the right and demonstrate to liberals that he is moderate compared to some of the “extremists,” such as myself, who write for him, and that this in turn gives him cover to publish those same extremists.

A reader comments:

I briefly visited FrontPage this morning and breezed right past “Happy Ramadan,” assuming it wasn’t serious and probably connected to some act of terrorism. Amazing! The only pictures of “happy” Muslims I’ve ever seen were of ones celebrating the death or misfortune of infidels or rival Muslims.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 05, 2005 07:54 PM | Send

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