Here is true insanity

Given everything that has been said and that is fully acknowledged in conservative circles about the dread crisis created by the presence of millions of Muslims in Europe, it simply passes belief that any American would urge the European Union to admit Turkey into the EU, an act that in a single shot would open Europe’s borders to however many of the 70 million Muslim Turks who wanted to move into any country of Europe, vastly worsening the existing problem and making any recovery, which already seems dauntingly difficult, infinitely more difficult. The Bush administration’s support for the inclusion of Turkey in the EU, the former Cold Warrior Richard Perle’s active campaigning for the inclusion of Turkey in the EU, signals a breakdown of rationality and of the instinct of civilizational self-preservation equal in its extremity to anything we are now seeing in dhimmi Britain.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 05, 2005 01:41 PM | Send

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