Amazing reversal by head of Britain’s racial-equality establishment

Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, says some parts of Britain are becoming no-go areas for white people, “black holes into which nobody goes without fear and trepidation and from which nobody escapes undamaged.” Two letter writers to the Scotsman, with burning indignation, point out that Phillips himself is a leader of the system that created this situation. Burning, righteous indignation seems to be a quality rare among the English; indeed, its absence is part of the passivity by which they have been allowing themselves to be socially engineered out of existence. If their indignation quotient increased by a factor of, say, 50, the English might have a chance to save themselves.

After I posted the above, the English correspondent who had sent me the item told me:

The English passivity and lack of burning indignation means that a letter like those in the Scotsman would never be published in the English press and hence any ideas like dismantling the CRE are never raised or discussed. In fact it would be a political fireball to print something like that in England. Instead there are further articles on how wonderful diversity is.

I told my correspondent that I hadn’t realized the distinction between what is allowed in England and what is allowed in Scotland was so great, and she replied:

Yes, very few people in England read Scottish newspapers and it can be quite difficult to get hold of them. The Scottish newspapers are less PC than English ones and print things which criticise Government and other organisations and groups of people in a way that would never be tolerated in England. The legal system is also different in Scotland and hence it can be difficult to get restraints on what the papers print. Most elite liberals in England would not want their population reading such forthright criticisms lest it should motivate them into taking some type of action against them or immigrants. It might awake them from their slumber.

The two countries are culturally quite different and there is no mass Third World immigration is Scotland. Hence immigration issues do not really apply there to the same extent as in England. In fact Scottish nationalism is increasing as English nationalism collapses.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 23, 2005 02:35 PM | Send

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