Beyond jihadism, immigration is rapidly transforming England

An American who has lived many years in England is surely exaggerating when he says that whites will disappear in England due to interracial mating (note that I don’t say “marriage”) with blacks, since there just aren’t that many blacks in England. However, there does seem to be a significant amount of interracial mating between blacks and lower class whites. What is most striking in the below is the fact of EU-wide free migration.

… [T]he black/white mating here will be making sure that there are no whites and no full race blacks. Literally. I kid you not. I’ll find you an article on it. It’s proceeding at a rapid rate. while the Chinese and Muslims are pouring in and create seperate societies. They are not mating with people of other races/religions. They are too busy taking over the remnants of English culture. Meanwhile the Poles and the other Eastern Europeans are quietly coming in huge numbers as well with no visas required (since May 2004). Mad. Mad. Mad. Bye bye the England I came to. Unrecognisable. Very sad for me personally.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 22, 2005 09:57 AM | Send

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