Bush’s nepotistic choice to head immigration agency

Ever since January 7, 2004 when he first made his two-part proposal for “temporary” amnesty for illegal aliens working in the U.S. and for admitting into the U.S. everyone in the world who can underbid an American for a job (an idea I described as the most radical ever proposed by a U.S. president), George W. Bush has assured the country that this scheme would be combined with “real enforcement” of the immigration laws. Yeah, right. If, according to Bush, enforcement is already impossible now, making it necessary for us to give illegal aliens “temporary”legal status in the U.S. rather than deporting them, what will make enforcement more likely three or six years from now when their “temporary” legalized status expires?

The above is just one index of how patently unserious Bush has been on this issue—so unserious that, in his arrogance, he can’t even be bothered to go through plausible motions that he’s serious.

Here’s another index of the same. Bush’s nominee to head the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, the immigration law enforcement division formed out of the old INS, is a 36-year-old woman with no experience in immigration or law enforcement. She is Julie Myers, niece of Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Again, Bush isn’t simply being nonchalant about protecting our borders—he sticks his nonchalant attitude in our collective face. This makes no sense even from Bush’s perverse point of view. Passage of his pet amnesty bill requires that he convince the country that he will enforce the law. Yet Bush, by his nepotistic appointment of a young woman with no background for the job, has gone out of his way to show that he’s not the slightest bit serious about such enforcement.

What drives him to such politically counterproductive behavior? My view is that Bush has so much contempt for the very idea of controlling or reducing immigration into the United States that he’s unable or unwilling to conceal it.

When Bush ran for president in 2000, he seemed to be the un-Clinton, wholesome and patriotic. I think Bush despises this country, just like the arrogant liberal he is.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 21, 2005 10:39 PM | Send

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