Another post-9/11 test failed

The Crescent of Desolation is the first large-scale September 11th memorial. As such, it is a test of whether the mainstream institutions of our society, in attempting to symbolize the largest terrorist attack in history and the courageous resistance of 44 doomed Americans to it, would have the ability to transcend the kneejerk liberal openness that had made the attack possible in the first place. And now we have our answer, bitter as it is. While this sickening memorial to weakness and surrender will most likely be stopped as a result of a popular outcry, it is clear that dhimmitude is and will remain the default mode of our society, until we decisively give up modern liberalism and form our souls and our society on a different basis.

For those not up on the Gospels, “the crescent of desolation” is a paraphrase of “the abomination of desolation” of which Jesus speaks in Matt. 25:15 and Mark 13:14, King James Version. In the Revised Standard Version, the phrase is translated, more understandably, as “desolating sacrilege.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 10, 2005 06:04 PM | Send

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