The Dems’ Big Lie about Katrina, cont.

Christopher Ruddy writes at NewsMax:

After the Sept. 11 attacks against the World Trade Center, no one suggested that the Bush administration should have been responsible for New York’s disaster response or that federal agents should have been involved in the rescue of those trapped in the buildings.

The article tells us more about the real chain of responsibility in disaster response, and about the Democrats’ absolutely hateful and utterly irresponsible campaign to ignore these established facts and blame everything on President Bush.

What we’re seeing here is yet another variation on Auster’s First Law of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society, as applied to federal-state relations rather than race relations. The First Law says that the worse a designated non-white minority behaves, the more the white majority is falsely accused of racism. In the same way, as we see in the Katrina aftermath, the more worthless and incompetent the local or state officials are, the more the federal government is blamed for the local or state officials’ non-performance, and the more the very idea of local rule is cast aside in favor of the expectation that the federal government is directly responsible for every single thing happening in America. This syndrome is exacerbated, of course, if the non-performing local official happens to be black.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 07, 2005 10:33 AM | Send

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