Muslim terrorist campaign prevented in California

A campaign of terror and murder by a gang of U.S. black converts to Islam in Los Angeles was thwarted because one of the black jihadis dropped a cell phone during a robbery, enabling police to identify and arrest them. This is reminiscent of the planned firebombing by Islamic terrorists in a New York City subway car in 1997, which was averted only because one of the gang members got cold feet and told police about the attack a couple of days before it was to occur. As Daniel Pipes puts it, the L.A. plot was the first large-scale terrorist plot by U.S.-born Muslims. But (just like the narrowly avoided subway horror in 1997) because it was avoided, it will be ignored, and no lessons will be learned.

What are the lessons? Islam, whether it comes to America via immigration or conversion, is, as Michael Graham cogently argued, a terrorist organization, because even those Muslims who do not support terrorism do not exclude the terrorists from Islam; they thus provide a community, and not only a community, but the sacred community, the umma, within which the terrorists can freely move and operate. Further, since jihadism and terrorism are found wherever Islam is found, any growth and empowerment of Islam means the growth and empowerment of jihadism. For these reasons the practice of Islam should be placed under restrictions, and Muslims encouraged or forced to leave this country. While Islam is of course a religion, it is also a terrorist and totalitarian political creed that is in a state of permanent, openly declared war with all non-Muslim powers, including the United States. The First Amendment protects religion from Congressional interference. It does not bar the prohibition of an enemy political creed and the exclusion of its followers from this country.

I know that the approach I am advocating here seems extreme, over the line, impossible. In fact, it is the only rational response to the Muslim threat. Sooner or later, it will be broadly supported and acted on. I am hoping that that happens before catastrophe strikes, rather than after.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 06, 2005 05:14 PM | Send

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