Bush, cosmic villain

Tony Parkinson writing in The Age remarks on the same liberal attitudes that I’ve been talking about here. Liberals see Bush as a cosmic god capable of delivering all goods to all people, but perversely withholding those goods, and so demonically responsible for all ills. It’s as though Bush were now receiving in his own insignificant person all the hatred that is normally directed at whites or Jews.

If you believe the recriminations flowing thick and fast in the trail of hurricane Katrina, President George Bush has an almost superhuman talent for calamity.

According to his critics, the President can be blamed for causing hurricanes because he ignored the risks of global warming. He can be blamed for exacerbating the consequences of Katrina because he diverted funds and manpower to Iraq. And he can also be blamed for the rape and pillage of New Orleans because his unfair tax policies inflicted on the poor and vulnerable no other choice.

As happened after September 11, the blame game is under way, with Bush cited as the reason for every ill visited upon his nation.

In case readers find it inconsistent that I excoriate Bush one moment and defend him the next, there’s no contradiction at all. The irrational left attacks Bush for things he hasn’t done; I attack him for things he has done.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 05, 2005 12:44 PM | Send

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