For leftists, the state is God, and they are its messiahs

In reply to my idea that the root of leftist hate is the longing for an all-providing father, a reader writes:

Long ago in the sixties I observed that my left-wing colleagues were attached to the government they were destroying by a thick uncuttable umbilical cord. It was clear then that they could not live without an all powerful government that did things their way. At the time I knew nothing about government agencies and such… but I met loads of people who knew everything—they knew where every dollar of government money was spent, they knew about Title X and Program Y and bills before Congress. They wanted it all for themselves. This new “Etat Providence” was where they would find their place in the sun. They were all very greedy messiahs.

One art teacher ranted that this was HIS country and he couldn’t rest until EVERYONE was fed! Needless to say, not many people were starving, but we were led to believe they were.

Yes, the black kids did regard the teacher as a magician who would give them knowledge. They became profoundly depressed when they failed, even if they did little or no work. In their universe, just coming to school and sitting automatically made you smart. This is one reason why we HAD to give them passing grades. Soon passing became an inalienable right.

Regarding the blacks, I truly believe that liberals loathe black people. I believe they have contempt for them in ways conservatives never do. Conservatives want blacks to improve. Liberals do not. They need blacks to remain in depravity so that they can have an excuse for hating America and for forcing socialism on an ever more befuddled American public. By adopting black culture and black “thinking,” they turn themselves into the thing they hate, so they hate even more.

We seem to be reaching a point where all of these things are hopelessly inextricable—the Bush-hating left, the Bush-adoring right, the Bush-hating paleocons, the fact that Bush deserves criticism for many things such as aiding and abetting terrorists who are foaming with delight and thanking Katrina. This all seems to be coagulating and leading to something horrible. If God has a sense of humor I only hope we are not the butt of the joke.

We desperately need a stronger President. New Orleans may cost the Republicans the White House. Then watch as they become even more apologetic toward criminals and minorities than they already are.

P.S. Your posts (always welcome) have been extremely helpful these last few days.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 05, 2005 09:30 AM | Send

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