Avoid refugee camps

Hugh Hewitt has long- and short-range ideas about what is to be done for the stricken people and region. In the short-term, he urges immediate, ad hoc settlement of individuals and families in whatever individual situation is most suitable for them, with quick cash to pay for rent and other necessities for four months. His point is, large refugee camps—and what he calls the Marietolization of the evacuees—must be avoided at all costs.

A reader has a different thought:

We have been closing military bases, and will be closing more. They would be the ideal ready-made city for the refugees. They have comfortable housing, a hospital, schools, a theater, and bowling alley at most. They have an officer’s club (restaurant) complete with swimming pools. They are small cities, and completely self-sufficient in every sense. They are available. They are free. The residents would increase the local economy with their spending money. It makes perfect sense.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 02, 2005 02:57 PM | Send

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