The racial truths that must be spoken if we are to combat leftist lies

A reader writes:
Not everyone is afraid to notice the elephant in the living room. See, e.g., this from the AP wire:

The pictures of the catastrophe—which has killed hundreds and possibly thousands—have evoked memories of crises in the world’s poorest nations such as last year’s tsunami in Asia, which left more than 230,000 people dead or missing.

But some view the response to those disasters more favorably than the lawless aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

“I am absolutely disgusted. After the tsunami our people, even the ones who lost everything, wanted to help the others who were suffering,” said Sajeewa Chinthaka, 36, as he watched a cricket match in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

“Not a single tourist caught in the tsunami was mugged. Now with all this happening in the U.S. we can easily see where the civilized part of the world’s population is.”

Larry, that is not how Blacks in America see it, however. Black commentators and leaders are comparing how well things went in Florida hurricanes with how badly things have gone in New Orleans, and see the cause for the New Orleans disaster as arising from some imaginary calculated indifference on the part of the federal government and “George Bush” (read: “white folks”).

The Sri Lankans see the truth: It is not poverty, it is culture and morality. The folks in New Orleans are uncultured savages, looters and thugs who devour not only the tourists, but their own kind. Even those that are not looters are so relentlessly sociopathic and narcissistic that they are incapable of seeing the suffering of anyone else but themselves … which, of course, goes a long way to understanding why they are poor, ignorant, living in ghettoes, and have a 70% illegitimacy rate.

I ask you, Larry, instead of looting, why haven’t all the young black men in New Orleans taken axes, crowbars and picks, ripped holes in the roofs of flooded houses, and checked for stranded and dying folks who are trapped in their pitch dark attics, floating up to their necks in water, like entombed submariners waiting to die?

Why? We both know, Larry. They are waiting for “the government” to do it for them. It’s not their job. The notion of hundreds, perhaps thousands of black people drowning in the dark just a mile away leaves them utterly cold and indifferent. And when they do let them die, even THAT will be the fault of whites, since their indifference, like their illegitimacy rate, arises from the “black culture of slavery” or some such flapdoodle.

And let’s not even mention looting. Most Jews would break into the local stores in a heartbeat to get those axes, picks and crow bars, but they would leave carefully signed IOU’s sitting right there in the cash register, AND would insist that the government later pay the store owners back for their looted “contribution” to flood relief.

I ask you again, Larry, do you doubt for one second, one nanosecond, one freaking femtosecond, that residents of any Jewish neighborhood ANYWHERE on the face of the earth would not have hacked open every freaking roof when faced with the New Orleans disaster? The question answers itself.

Racially, things are no going to get better until white folks can say that right out loud. At the top of their lungs, right back in the faces of Jesse Jackson, Charlie Rangel, Rev. Calvin Butts, Al Sharpton, and all the New York Times writers who pontificate on white evil.

At the same moment that I received the above e-mail, I received this one from VFR reader Shrewsbury, which makes the same point about whites:

You may recall a film that came out last year called “A Day without a Mexican,” which purported to show how California would grind to a creaking halt if somehow all its undocumented guest workers were to disappear, and no one was left to operate its innumerable leaf blowers, nor to decorate its sun-baked walls with gang tags.

So I was thinking, somebody ought to do a movie about the recent events in New Orleans, and call it, “A Week without a White Man.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 02, 2005 12:15 PM | Send

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