Airport to be renamed for Marshall

Apparently the state of Maryland has decided to rename the Baltimore-Washington International Airport to honor the late Thurgood Marshall, the nation’s first black Supreme Court justice and a Baltimore native.

This is bad news. Marshall is a towering symbol of mediocrity. He became famous as a litigator before the Supreme Court, in cases in which his side was predetermined to win, and in which the arguments used by Marshall had been prepared by others. As a Supreme Court justice, he was beneath the level of intellectual competence, as was tacitly acknowledged even by liberal journalists, while he pursued an agenda of racial resentment. Thus he once told his fellow Justice Douglas that race preferences were ok because “It’s our turn now.” Naming an airport for this man is a bad omen. It has a Third-World aspect to it. It would be like renaming Washington D.C. “Barryville.”

This nation will keep sliding downward until it stops giving privileges and honors to blacks just because they’re black. And the only way to turn that around is to start recognizing the truth about race and intelligence.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 01, 2005 12:21 PM | Send

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