Why minicons see themselves as far rightists

Traditionalist conservatives, including many readers of this website, are continually annoyed at the way the neocons/minicons/microcons/metrocons falsely present themselves as right-wing conservatives, even though they are, in most of the ways that count, liberals. But, to be fair, the neocons/minicons have a good reason for imagining themselves as to the right of Genghis Khan: the left is always attacking them as such. Read this deranged letter that a leftie sent to the Animal House conservative, Jonah Goldberg. (To see why I call him that, click here.) If you were a vulgar little faux conservative (fauxcon) like Goldberg and constantly getting e-mails smearing you in the most hateful terms as an extreme right-winger, wouldn’t you start to think of yourself as being at least somewhat right-wing?

So, not only is today’s so-called right actually liberal, but its false concept of itself as conservative is itself a product of the left. Because the fauxcons move ideologically in orbit around the left, and because the left, becoming ever more enraged and irrational in recent years, sees the fauxcons as far-out right-wingers, the fauxcons tend to see themselves in the same way.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 28, 2005 06:34 PM | Send

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