The fraud of moderate Islam

Michael Graham boiled the issue down to its essence when he said that Islam is a terrorist organization. I reached a similar conclusion in my November 2000 article at NewsMax, “The Clintons, Abdurahman Alamoudi, and the Myth of Moderate Islam.” Here are the last three paragraphs of that article, where I’m summing up the responses of a panel of Muslim “moderates” to Steven Emerson’s documentary, “Jihad in America”:

Third, Islamic “moderates” do not oppose the extremists, but show solidarity with their extremist fellow Muslims; make excuses for them; bitterly denounce American journalists for publicizing the existence of these groups; and, most significantly, describe any attempt by America to defend itself from Islamic terrorism as an expression of “anti-Muslim” bias.

In making this last argument, the “moderates” on the Charlie Rose panel didn’t seem to realize what they were revealing about themselves and the community they represent: If opposing Islamic terrorism is anti-Muslim, then Islam is indeed inseparable from terrorism. Alamoudi and his fellow “moderates” thus provided a more profound indictment of Islam than anything in Stephen Emerson’s chilling documentary about the extremists.

The “moderate” Muslims’ insistence that Americans must see nothing, say nothing and do nothing about Muslim terrorists in our midst should give us an idea of what life will be like in this country when Muslims achieve real political power here. Thanks to the Clintons in particular and the U.S. political establishment in general, and thanks most of all to America’s suicidal immigration policy of the last 35 years, America’s quickly growing population of Islamic “moderates” have already started to acquire such power.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 27, 2005 08:32 PM | Send

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