Un-Free Republic?

I don’t read Free Republic except when someone points me to a particular thread there, and I don’t know the site’s ins and outs, but here’s something that seems remarkable to an outsider. A commenter named Churchillbuff posted a BBC article making points similar to what many people including me have been saying, that Iraq seems to be moving toward an Islamic Republic or at least a sharia state. Some of the commenters agreed with the article, while the majority seemed very annoyed at it, with several people calling it a leftist anti-Bush attack, as though simply calling attention to any negative facts about Iraq makes one an enemy. Then, in the middle of the discussion (post 25), someone announced that Churchillbuff had been banned from Free Republic. Most people applauded this.

While there may be more going on here than I know about, the superficial impression is that this person was banned from FR simply for posting a BBC article discussing the sharia nature of the new Iraq Constitution.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 23, 2005 05:55 PM | Send

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