The permanent war between between democracy and true Islam

Speaking of the incompatibility between Islam and democracy, the so-called Sharia Court of Al Qaeda in Iraq, appealing to the authority of the Koran, has declared that the drafters of the new Iraqi constitution are heretics whom it will kill. What this means is that the approval of the constitution will not mean a lessening of the terror insurgency, as the Bushites believe, but a permanent intensification of it. Al Qaeda will never accept an Iraqi constitution that contains Western or democratic elements, even if the constitution also makes sharia its ultimate authority. The terror war against the new Iraqi government will go on forever, unless we can defeat and destroy the terrorists; but, as I’ve said about 5,000 times, and as senior Administration officials have recently confirmed, we have no strategy or intention to defeat and destroy the terrorists. And since there is little likelihood of competent Iraqi security forces being created, our forces will have to stay in Iraq indefinitely to prop up the new government, draining our country of lives, wealth, and political and moral energy in an endless, hideous, thankless task that does nothing to promote our own long-term national security. Instead of devoting our resources to defending our country, we’ll be stuck forever defending the government of an Arab country with a sharia constitution. Brilliant move, eh? We should have gotten rid of Saddam Hussein (based on the then apparently certain existence of WMDs), but not gotten involved in the attempted democratic reconstruction of Iraq, thus setting off an existential war between pure Islam and Islamic democratization, a war which serves no vital interest of ours and which we cannot win.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 21, 2005 12:45 PM | Send

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