Who is Victor Hanson?

I LOL’ed twice reading John Brimelow’s article at vdare eviscerating a recent Victor Hanson piece on immigration in the Washington Times. The first time it was an appreciative chuckle, in response to Brimelow’s description of the role of designated ineffectual conservative, which he says Hanson has now been appointed to fill. The second time, I stood up from my computer and walked across the room laughing in amazement. That was when Brimelow got to Hanson’s proposal for a full-out amnesty for illegals who have been in the United States a certain period of time. I couldn’t believe it. In his article, Hanson goes through all these motions of being someone who’s Really Serious about getting a handle on the immigration problem—and then he turns around and proposes amnesty! And not just a Bush-style, Legalize-Them-then-Let-Them-Get-on-the-Back-of-the-Line-to-Citizenship-with-Everyone-Else amnesty, but what sounds like a Kerry-style, Give-Them-All-Citizenship-Now amnesty.

Who is Victor Hanson? He’s a … I can’t think of an appropriate epithet for the guy, except for what I called him in my last e-mail to him a couple of years ago: a contradictory blowhard.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 19, 2005 05:57 PM | Send

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