The Islamic paradigms

I recently linked the below post, by a blogger named “Ptah” at Free Republic, which came in the middle of a discussion about my articles on Islam. But it’s so good I’m reproducing it below, slightly abridged. Commenting and expanding on my article on Islamic ideology and strategy, he describes it as a set of paradigms that Muslims opportunistically adopt as the occasion demands, forever stymieing their opponents’ efforts to pin them down. This adds to the picture of the relativism that characterizes the religion of peace.

I’m not sure about this, but the acronym PTUI following Muhammad’s name seems to be Ptah’s satire on “pbuh” (peace be upon him) which Muslims put after Muhammad’s name. However, I have no idea what Ptah means by PTUI. I also have no idea what Ptah means by Ptah, unless he’s named himself after the Egyptian god. In the Internet Age, we have all these odd monikers and acronyms derived from alien religions, ancient cultures, and postmodern techno-speak jostling together in a kind of Brownian stew.

#39 This entry at my website talks about an article, “The Key to Jihadist Ideology and Strategy”, by Lawrence Auster. It is EXTREMELY enlightening when trying to untangle the Chameleon of Islam.

To summarize: The Entire life of mohammed (PTUI) is seen, not as a single template for behavior, but a set of templates, where any specific template is chosen based on the circumstances. Where Islam is weak, the early part of Mohammed’s (PTUI) life is used. Where Islam is stronger, but still fighting the Infidel, the middle part of his life is followed. Where Islam has conquered, then the latter part of his life is emulated.

It’s a big con game: they can point to one PART of Mohammed’s life and protest that THAT is Islam, while hoping you don’t notice that they are following a DIFFERENT part of Mohammed’s life as they speak.

The Con works because Judaism and Christianity usually have only ONE template to apply (The Torah for the former, and Christ’s life for the latter). The Torah is a fixed and finite document, and the record of Jesus’ life, despite being written from different views and thus differing from each other in details, is so consistently peaceful and non-violent in itself that in “Carnage and Culture”, Hanson himself blames Christianity for creating, not a huge invincible war machine, but the prime source for DISMANTLING it …

Don’t be fooled by the “peaceful” Muslim: he’ll not only switch templates on you the moment the situation changes, but will justify the switch as being fully Islamic. And he’d be right, because MOHAMMED (PTUI), did EXACTLY what he had just done.

Posted by Ptah 2005-05-27

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 18, 2005 08:02 PM | Send

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