Farah doesn’t like Roberts

Here’s Joseph Farah on the subject of John Roberts. The piece is short on facts, and long on hype (it’s built around a single comment by Roberts in 1981 that the conservative leader Paul Weyrich “is of course no friend of ours”), but nevertheless captures what appears to be an essential truth about Roberts, which is that he is a legal technician and no conservative. Indeed, as an Ivy League member of the Reagan administration who disliked real conservatives, Roberts would seem to resemble Reagan’s own vice president, the father of the current president. What, then, happened to the notion that W. had learned from his father’s mistakes, a chief one of which was the elder Bush’s disdain for conservatives? The answer is two-fold. One, W. merely learned to do a better job of pretending that he was on the conservatives’ side; and two, today’s conservatives have become such lapdogs (ironically, a phrase once applied to W.’s father) that W. realizes he doesn’t even have to pretend any more.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 17, 2005 08:25 PM | Send

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