We’re all guilty kuffars, marked for death

I discussed last week the London Times article by a reporter who worked undercover among British Musim extremists. But the article was spread over several web pages and I missed this passage, which David Frum quoted today:

A speaker “who called himself Zachariah … preached that the non-believers were dispensable: ‘They’re kuffar. They’re not people who are innocent. The people who are innocent are the people who are with us or those who are living under the Islamic state.’”

Let’s be clear that this monstrous view of humanity—that anyone not a Muslim is not just innocently wrong, but is actively guilty, maliciously distorting the truth, and deserves death, is not an example of Muslim “extremism.” It comes directly the “M” man himself. Throughout the Koran, Muhammad insists that unbelievers are willfully perverse—there is no such thing as an innocent or merely ignorant unbeliever. He also says that the Jewish and Christian scriptures are only true insofar as they conform to the Koran. Insofar as they don’t conform (and, of course, 99.9 percent of the scriptures don’t conform to the Koran), they are deliberate, vicious distortions of the truth. Even Hitler didn’t have such a cruel and paranoid mindset as this.

One can never stop being amazed at the fact that 1400 years after his death, a fifth of humanity are followers and devoted imitators of the most totalitarian personality that has ever lived.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 15, 2005 11:24 PM | Send

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