The 9/11 Commission

A sad comment from a commenter at that captures the indescribable egregiousness of the Commission that was created to find out why the U.S. government failed to stop the 9/11 hijackers:

My expectations for the 9/11 Commission were low after seeing the composition. Liberals, RINOS, Liberals, DC estasblishment types, Liberals, etc. They were all in the same club, folks. They belong to a network of employers who will ensure them 6 figure incomes, whether they are in govt or out, in office or out. Very convenient, very clubby, very sickening.

I had hopes for John Lehmann (who was a real good guy in days of yore), but he turned out to be nearly as bad as the maggot Ben Veniste.

Old Marine Sarge

ps—We must face the fact that America is crawling with traitors and fifth columnists, like nothing in our history. Nothing. The 60s and early 70s was a grade school practice pageant compared to what we see today.

Unfortunately, and typically, most of the L-dotters see Able Danger’s failure to report the presence of an Al Qaeda cell in America as solely an indictment of the Clinton administration; they fail to note the 9/11 Commission’s cover-up of that failure, and the fact that the Commission was bipartisan.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 12, 2005 06:30 PM | Send

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