Since when do homosexual organizations need pro-bono attorneys?

A reader has brought out yet another angle on John Roberts’s role in Romer v. Evans. He had mentioned to me that notwithstanding his general cynicism about attorneys, even he was taken aback by the news about Roberts. I asked him what it was specifically that made Roberts’ behavior seem even worse than the low standard he expected, and he replied, “I was startled by the homosexual rights stuff, which seems a particularly odd choice for pro bono work.”

Of course. The main idea of pro bono is to help low-income people who can’t afford quality legal representation. In this case Roberts’s client was the homosexual rights movement, whose supporters are the most affluent demographic in America and thus the last people in the world who need pro bono legal assistance. Which underscores the already established fact that Roberts sought of his own volition to help the homosexual activists overturn the Colorado referendum.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 10, 2005 04:42 PM | Send

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