Do the English still say, “This is a free country”?

The editor of a small newspaper in northeast Scotland has been charged with incitement to racial hatred for writing an editorial opposing the creation of a refugee center for 5,000 people in the area. People of rural Britain oppose the refugee centers, he wrote, “because they were fully aware that their communities would be swamped and turned into cesspools…. they know their communities would be turned into ghettos where murder, rape, robbery, assault, break-ins and numerous other crimes became prevalent.” According to the editor, 20 percent of the refugee population are criminals, and it’s not possible to filter the criminal from the non-criminal element. To bring in the refugees is to bring in the criminals along with them.

So there it is. In Britain, the cradle of liberty, a writer who uses strong language against his land being turned into a welfare home for foreigners and criminals faces prosecution for race hatred (even though he said nothing about race), in the same way that an Englishman using force to defend his home from burglars or intruders faces prosecution. How long will the once-great English continue in their demeaning subservience to the pro-alien, quasi-totalitarian state under which they now live? Is there no constituency in Britain to repeal these monstrous laws?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 10, 2005 05:54 AM | Send

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