Roberts did pro bono work in homosexual rights case

In a pro bono capacity, John Roberts in 1996 gave crucial advice to homosexual rights activists in a case before the U.S. Supeme Court that the homosexual activists won in a 6-3 ruling. The three dissenters in the case were Justices Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas. Of course, George W. Bush has repeatedly vowed to appoint justices with the same judicial philosophy as Scalia and Thomas. As a correspondent points out to me, the notion that Roberts was only representing his clients and not his own views does not hold up here, since lawyers only do pro bono work for clients or causes they personally support.

I’ve been saying since the day Roberts’s nomination was announced that I didn’t think he was a true conservative. See particularly this, but also this and this and this and this.

A reader adds:

Unbelievable, and this is the messiah the conservatives have been waiting for? What it says to me is not that he believes in gay rights but that he’s such a careerist, such an opportunist, and also a little bit of a schmoozer, and he wanted to ingratiate himself by being helpful, and probably didn’t have the b—-s to say frankly I’d rather not be in that case, but I would like to help on others. It does not speak well for him. But what of cons? How they are being conned, pun intended.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 04, 2005 11:13 AM | Send

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