How to defeat jihad in the whole dar al-harb

A reader writes:

I can understand the emphasis on Islam and the West, but how about the rest of the world? TV reports riots in the capitol city of the Sudan between Christians and Moslems where about 50 people have been killed. In Thailand the Moslems are decapitating Buddhists. And across all of Africa Christians are being killed by Moslems. Fortunately, my president has told me that they are “peaceful people”, otherwise I might never have known.

My reply:

You’re right. Islam is against all non-Moslem societies, not just the West. I emphasize the West because we have to focus on our own problems. But if you think about my proposal for isolating and containing Islam, that would obviously require parallel efforts by all non-Moslem countries. Everyone would have to see the danger and work in tandem to remove their Moslems and stand against Moslem expansion. Also, it would be necessary to limit travel, particularly air travel, by Moslems. I know that sounds draconian and extreme, but I return to the logic of my article, “How to Defeat Jihad in America.” The question I raised there was, how can we assure that we don’t have to spend the rest of our lives in the constant fear of terrorist attack with all the attendant massive security measures and inconveniences and stress and expense? In other words, how can we, not just manage the terrorism problem, but be permanently free of it? And the answer is to initiate a steady net out-migration of Moslems from America, and also to restrict the free travel of Moslem visitors into and inside America. And that means restricting who is getting on planes in other countries coming to America. And that means that the other countries (for the same reasons as us) must also restrict air travel by Moslems.

I realize all this sounds wild. But until the jihadist fever dies down we have no choice, if our intention is to make ourselves safe from these people. A very significant percentage of Moslems either sympathize with Moslem terrorists, or (as in the recent British poll) say that they would not inform the police if they knew about an upcoming terrorist attack. It’s not possible to screen every Moslem for the precise degree of his sympathy with terrorists. Therefore, to be safe, we must racially/religiously profile all Moslems.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 03, 2005 09:52 AM | Send

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