The Scots—ultra liberal in England, ultra right-wing at home?

To an English reader who had sent me a hard-hitting item in the Scotsman about the failure of the English to do anything about jihadist Muslims in their country, I said: “Considering how ultra left all the Scots MPs seem to be, I’m impressed. Apparently there’s not a single Tory MP from Scotland.” She wrote back the below e-mail which contains astonishing information about Scotland. Some of what she says I frankly find hard to believe, such as that in this day and age the Scots carry on the kind of gross discrimination against the Irish that she describes, and that they get away with it. Yet, even if we allow for a certain amount of exaggeration, the overall drift of her comment is fascinating and hopeful—that the Scots, though they seem very liberal to the outside world because they are so liberal in the British Parliament and in English politics, are actually quite conservative in relation to their own, Scottish, affairs. Perhaps not all the British peoples are as lost as we thought. Here is her e-mail:

Many Scots Labour MPs behave as if they are left wing whilst in England, promoting multiculturalism, tolerance, diversity etc in England. However in reality they are very right wing, many to the point of being almost fascist whilst in their own country. To join The Labour party in Scotland is a way of getting power and money and it is very well organised. It is not a way of promoting left wing or liberal views in Scotland.

The Labour party in Scotland dominates City Councils, in particular Glasgow. The Glasgow City Council has promoted a form of apartheid disguised as “sectarianism” against the Irish immigrants whereby the Irish Catholics were not allowed to attend the same schools as Scots Protestant children, were largely denied entry to universities and professions, virtually banned from the Police force and most jobs except unskilled factory work and were housed in the worst conditions.

It was forbidden to fly the Irish flag even at football matches and to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Perhaps as a consequence, there was never any trouble with the IRA.

The justification for this was provided by the Church of Scotland in stating that “the Irish were a slovenly and irresponsible race who should never be allowed to contaminate the pure Scots blood”. They also added that the unemployed Irish immigrants should be repatriated but the English Government did not allow them to do it. Hence employment or marriage to people of Irish Catholic origin is still frowned upon. Other European Catholics eg Italians and French were never subject to the same discrimination. The reason for this was not religion, it was genes. The French/Italians were considered to have better genes.

Councils in Scotland do not believe in social mixing as in England and accommodate all “undesirables” ie drug and alcohol addicts, criminals and asylum seekers/refugees, Irish in the same areas which are in the East end of the city. They have always refused to house legal Third World immigrants saying that the terms of their visas indicate “no recourse to public funds”. These areas are also dominated by large criminal mafia organisations which have largely eliminated any Turks, Kurds, Albanians and other trouble makers. Hence Scotland is free of the black, Turkish and other criminal gangs which control much of the crime scene in England.

Asylum seekers are given very limited access to legal aid and are evicted from council properties as soon as their claims are rejected (and this is the majority of them). On rejection they are classed as criminals and locked up in detention centres or prisons to await removal. Lack of money for lawyers restricts appeals. They are often removed from council properties in dawn raids. Most run away back to London before this happens, where they are given accommodation and legal aid to appeal.

The same “left wing” MPs support this, and have done their utmost to prevent Third Worlders getting their rights as given by the British state. They have also supported a ban on Lap dancing in Glasgow whilst promoting it in England, and an apartheid system in many restaurants, night clubs and bars in which “turbans” ie Moslems, Indians and Africans are denied entry. Asians and Africans are repeatedly turned away with excuses while whites enter. The Guardian newspaper and CRE both complained to the Council who have refused to take any action. Angered by this inactivity at overt racism, The CRE backed by the Guardian eventually prosecuted a restaurant/night club owner but the Judge rapidly threw the case out of court. And so the practice continues. The “left wing MPs” don’t want to know.

The Race Discrimination Acts were passed in Scotland at the same time as in England but were largely ignored. Police routinely ignored all claims of racism made by non whites and refused to provide interpreters. Complaints to Police were often accompanied by further harassment of the victim. Fights between white and Asian youths were reported by Police and media as “Asian racists attack whites”. It is extremely difficult to obtain a successful prosecution for racial discrimination in Scotland. Anyone wearing a hijab or any Moslem dress will remain unemployed. China towns which are common in English Cites are banned in Scotland, Councils claiming that they will lead to Triads Gangs and crime.

In Scotland, there is no change in the power structure as immigrants arrive and all immigrants are forced to adapt to the local culture or effectively be excluded and ignored. As a consequence the number of Third World immigrants is small and a large number leave. Those who do remain speak English and appear to be better assimilated although are largely confined to working in Asian businesses.

The Government has recently tried to force a culture of diversity on Scotland but without success. A Multicultural web site had to be removed after public protest and efforts to reduce racial discrimination have resulted in a 300% increase in reported alleged racist crimes. The Police cannot deal with these and nor do they want to. They are now using the London bombs as a reason to concentrate on “Security” and crack down on the Asians in Scotland. Asian men are now banned from public transport with bus drivers refusing them entry. It is predictable that this “security drive” will create an exodus of Asians to England. Women wearing Islamic abayas are often banned from shops or subjected to searching as the outfit is considered to be a shoplifter’s disguise. The announcement that asylum seekers would be allowed IVF has lead to an increased rejection of their claims and accelerated expulsion.

Scots being a nation of scientists believe in genetics as the key to human achievement. Most do not believe in racial equality. They have never accepted their neighbours, the Irish, as equals and will never accept Third World peoples as equals either. Most are conservative and racist. When Scots claim to believe in racial equality, immigration or left liberal causes it is virtually always for the sake of political expediency.

Regarding the Tory party, many Scots Labour MPs are more right wing than the Tories, when their true nature is revealed. However the Conservative party is seen as an English party and many Scots still blame the English for the failure of the British Empire and the post war decline of the country. Thatcher put the final nail in the coffin of British Industry.

Here (May 3, 2006) is an e-mail from a transplanted American in Scotland:

I just read your article on View from the Right regarding the Scots and assimilation of immigrants to their country. I am an American who emigrated here three years ago to marry a Scot. I can assure you that EVERYTHING in that email to you about Scottish immigration policies—unofficial ones that is—is VERY TRUE. I received nothing—not even common courtesy—until I received my settlement visa about six months ago. I have heard it said time and again people who move to Scotland are expected to become Scots—and give up their own cultural identity. There are many Muslims and Asians in Scotland but I never see them working in a large shop or business. They own their own businesses and not out of choice. I have seen—in the Stirling area in the last three years—less than four black people. Total. And I don’t think any of them lived here for long. Council housing? Forget it—unless you want to live in the worst ghetto they can find.

The bottom line: If you aren’t a native Scot, born and bred, forget it. Oh yeah—they hate the English almost as much as they hate the Irish, Catholics, Asians, Africans, Europeans….

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 01, 2005 05:21 PM | Send

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