The true voice of Islam

This is from the Telegraph’s account (via Best of the Web) of the trial of Muhammad Bouyeri, who, after having previously vowed not to cooperate with the court, confessed to the ritual slaughter/murder of Theo van Gogh in the Netherlands last year and said he would do the same again:

Bouyeri then turned to the victim’s mother, Anneke, in the public gallery, and told her he felt nothing for her. Mrs van Gogh watched as he read out from what appeared to be a statement: “I don’t feel your pain. I have to admit that I don’t have any sympathy for you. I can’t feel for you because you’re a non-believer.”

The killer’s cruel put-down of his victim’s mother is exactly in conformity with the spirit of the Koran. Almost every page of that “holy” book invokes punishments of non-believers that are not just punishments, in the sense of a working out of divine justice, but the uninhibited expression of a vindictive desire to humiliate and inflict the maximum amount of pain on one’s enemies. The Koran is not a divine revelation but the expression of Muhammad’s own power-mad personality. He was murderously furious at the people who had rejected his teaching and his claims to divine apostleship (first his own clan, the Koreish, who had humiliated as well as rejected him, and later the Jews), and lived to strike back at them. There is no mercy, no human consideration for those who have spurned Allah and his Prophet. Find the infidels, wherever they are, and strike off their heads. Find the Jew behind the tree and kill him. This is the motivating force of Islamic jihad, which the killer Bouyeri perfectly conveys.

It will be interesting to do a Google search in a few days and see how many mainstream publications have quoted Bouyeri’s words: “I don’t feel your pain. I have to admit that I don’t have any sympathy for you. I can’t feel for you because you’re a non-believer.” This, as I said, is the true reality of Islam, which the liberal West must not allow itself to see, if it is to remain liberal.

It’s also worth pointing out what Bouyeri’s statement tells us about Moslems’ motives for attacking the West. As James Taranto put it:

This had nothing to do with Israeli “occupation” of “Palestinian lands,” America’s “unilateral invasion” of Iraq, “torture” of prisoners at Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib, the widening “income gap,” or any of the other litany of complaints that the terror apologists trot out. Islamist terrorism arises from religious fanaticism and hatred, plain and simple.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 14, 2005 01:16 PM | Send

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