An alternative to cultural despair

In the midst of the current gloom about the West’s seemingly irresistible surrender to Islam, I’d like to remind readers of an article that is permanently posted on VFR’s main page, “What is European America?”, in which I show how the path of Western retreat and self-marginalization under increasing diversity can be reversed. Do we see at present any immediate prospect for the kind of turnabout I call for in this article? No. But it could happen. There is available to us a course that is very different from the liberal direction we are currently pursuing. Moreover, the principles outlined in this article could be applied not just to America but to the West as a whole. If one doesn’t like my references to “whites,” one could change them to “European-Americans,” “Europeans,” “British,” “French,” “Italians,” “Christians,” or whatever term seems appropriate for each situation. The key point is that, even in the midst of seemingly unstoppable diversification, the historic cultural majorities of the Western countries can and must begin asserting themselves as majorities once again, and that if they did so, it would change everything.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 14, 2005 09:10 AM | Send

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