Britain’s meaningless “defiance”

The British grandiloquently speak of “defiance,” but what they’re really saying is: “We will leave unmolested the tens of thousands of Moslems in our midst who supported this terrorist act against us and gave aid and comfort to the people who did it, and we will carry on exactly as before, allowing them to do it again.” In other words, what the British mean by “defiance” is simply dhimmitude.

Imagine there had been a Nazi terrorist bomb in London in 1940 and tens of thousands of Nazis living in London. Would the British, boasting of their own “defiance,” have left those tens of thousands of Nazis in place?

As the great Fr. Seraphim Rose wrote in his book on nihilism, one of the main features of liberalism (which Rose considered the first stage of nihilism) is that liberals deny the truths that their civilization was once based on, while maintaining the mere outward forms of those truths, in order to imagine to themselves that the civilization they have destroyed still exists. Britain’s empty mouthing of “defiance,” recalling World War II when the British really were defiant, is a perfect example of this soft nihilism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 11, 2005 09:55 AM | Send

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